Monday, August 29, 2011

Visual Crack

"I guess I should go," Nora sighed, standing up and handing Ranna the money for the soup. "Cat's probably hungry."

"And how is Cat doing?"

"She's fine. Still hates me for giving her a bath yesterday. Oh,well. Maybe she'll love me if I read her favorite book to her."

"Or maybe you should just give her the fluffy pillow."

"I should just give her the fluffy pillow," Nora laughed. "See you tomorrow?"

"Bright and early. Don't be late. And don't stay up all night watching that pony show."

"But it's my show, my relax time, my--"

"It's what's keeping you up all night. A sleepy worker is a sloppy worker, and a sloppy worker ends up being a jobless worker. Which isn't really a worker at all. Sleep first. Pony on the weekend."

Nora sighed dramatically. "Fine. Weekends are for Pony. Marathon at my place?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

"You know, I'd never peg you for someone who would like that show."

"Are you kidding? It's like crack. Visual crack."

"Don't go into withdrawals without me, okay?"

"Deal. Now go. Feed Cat. Then sleep. If you're not here tomorrow morning, I'm not letting you in for the rest of the day."

"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Nora tossed a grin over her shoulder. "Bye, Ranna!"

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