Thursday, August 18, 2011


"There are some interesting characters in here." Henry the fourth said as he opened the door for Ava.
Ava walked into a mesh of different cultures, time periods and civilizations.
She looked up at the barista to see a girl with blacck hair, but with a red streak in the front.
"Hello, what can I get you?" She said, her name tag said her name was Ranna.
"A Decaf with extra cream please." Ava ansered.
"I'll have a donut." Henry said simply.
They left the counter to find a table after Henry paid.
"Do you see anywhere?" Ava asked him.
He looked around, all the tables seemed full. He shook his head.
"Oh, how about there!" Ava said pointing to a small table next to what looked like a pirate and his wench.
Henry shrugged and they went to sit while they waited for their food.

"Krister, how could you do that! Here we don't know where we are or how we got here and you go trying to make friends with complete strangers showing me off like some prize stallion." Chante fumed in her rapid french.
"My by love, if in comparison to a stables, you would be my prize stallion! It was meant to be a compliment!" Krister retorted leaning back against his seat, eating some of this bread they called bagels.
"Krister, my love," she said sarcasticaly. "I don't appreciate being compared to horses to complete strangers!"
"Chante!" Krister protested as she got up and stormed away."
He sighed and stood up to chase after her. He saw a young couple staring at him. They looked away quickly but he didn't mind.
"And to think we have been married for 3 years!" He said then left after Chante.

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