Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aden Tristan Kingston

Aden walked down the street, hands in his pockets whistling a happy sporadic tune.
He wore blue jeans, white boat shoes, a light yellow t-shirt and a dark blue jacket.
He didn't really need the jacket, but he liked to have somewhere to put his hands.
He glanced into the shop windows pausing if he saw something interesting, as he had done for the past hour.
He was on his way to his next appointment, but it was not for another 2 hours. So he went just a few blocks away to the main hub of the city.
Shops lines the small roads. This had always been his favorite part of any city, the old classy part. Sometimes he thought he didn't belong in the 21 century. Maybe in the 1940's... or the 1640's. A Slower, more romantic time in history.
He enjoyed sitting. Watching. Waiting. Getting somewhere when it seemed to fit.
Perhaps that is why he had found it hard to keep regular jobs. The times his managers wanted him to come in never seemed to correspond to how his life was going that day. So he came in a little later.
He did try to be on time. He worked to make his mood, his life, and his activities fit into work, but when he did that he felt fluster, upset and irritable. Money was not worth feeling horrible all the time.
Sure, apparently the world revolves around money and money is what makes everything go. But there were easier way to get it.
Such as the job he was at now.
He had started to work at an antique store, but his job was to go through town and find antiques, pay for them with the store's money and bring them back. Then he drew them in as much detail as he could. As long as he had 20 at the end of the week , he got paid a full weeks wages.
He smiled at the thought of this catch. How many other people could say that they loved their job and it loved them! First of all it was antique! And he loved that stuff! Second, it was on his time schedule! And third, he got to draw, his favorite thing (other than old movies)! Can't get much better than that.
As Aden thought about his luck in life he happened to glance across the street into the window of a very interesting shop.
He did a double take.
On the outside it was a regular Coffee Shop.
He found his feet walking across the street with his mind still reeling back on the sidewalk.
Once he caught up with himself he was opening the door.
A small bell chimed as the door hit it
Aden's face slowly molded into a smile of pure joy as he looked around the small shop.
In one corner arguing speaking in their quick language were a group of 4 oriental students. Next to there was a girl with bright orange hair sitting next to a boy with earplugs, nose plugs, gloves and a blindfold.  Across from there was a boy who was dark, no other way to describe it. Dark with red highlights. It reminded Aden of Fire.
On the other side of the store a couple was sitting as close as the table would allow them, though they looked as if they were from the 18th century and she was pulling a long silver knife from her golden hair. The man didn't seem to mind though, he was admiring her face.
"J'aret, look at my new knife!" She was telling him.
Aden's eyes darted to the next table.
Another couple, this one dressed in circus gab. The male was very pale and the girl very small. They looked like complete opposites, yet the meshed together so well... maybe that was just the matching costumes.
His chin had dropped to the floor as soon as the small bell had tinkled. And Aden made no move to close it.
He loved this place!
He hadn't even tried the food!
"Are you going to get something?" The waitress behind the counter asked him.
Aden looked over toward her voice his eyes still wide and his mouth still open. He was almost upset she had talked to him, there were still more people he wanted to look at. He wished he had brought his drawing pad, but it was back at the antique shop.
"Trying to catch the fly's?" She asked dryly.
This girl, her name tag said Ranna, was just as Dark as the other boy, perhaps a little more.
"Uh..." He shook himself mentally, putting on his dashing smile. Not that he had another one, his dashing one was his natural one.
"What do you have?" He asked walking up and leaning on the counter looking up at the signs.
"Ah. so you do, but I see you also have some delicious pastries and other baked good. Along with lunch specials!" He said happily.
"So I will have the lunch special along with a cookie!"
Ranna punched some buttons on her cash register. "Seven Dollars."
He dug in his pocket and handed her the money, trading it for a receipt.
"Thank you, Ranna." He said, making sure to use her name.
She nodded and pushed open a door, disappearing behind it. Probably to get his food.
He turned back around and grabbed a tall table by the window, but not before picking up a pen and some napkins. He couldn't let these people get away from him! When was the next time he would have the opportunity to have such great variety of people in one place!
He hunched over his napkins and started sketching quickly, looking up more than he looked at his paper.

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