Monday, August 29, 2011


She ran from the shop.
Aden watched her go then stood up. "Wait!"
He was way to late... she was half way across town by now, and he didn't even know her name!
And as if that weren't enough he hadn't given her the picture!
He sighed and opened a blank page and started sketching again.
as he formed the lines into a figure, he realized it was her again.
He turned to the next page and started again. Her.
"Uh... Are you ok?" a strongly Asian accented voice asked.
Aden looked up to see a young man with brownish hair and a very muscular build, though he tried to hide it.
"Well, yeah, I just can't seem to draw right now." Aden said gesturing to his drawings.
The man looked over the picture that Aden was working on right now.
"This is good. So why are you upset?" He asked obviously confused.
"I can't seem to draw anyone or anything else."
The man leaned back a smug smile on his face.
"Ah, I see."
"What? What do you see!"
"You like her."
"what! I don't even know her!"
"You don't have to know someone to like them, trust me, I would know."
"And why is that?"
the young man sat back up and picked up the sketchbook.
"May I look through this?"
Aden shrugged.
He started flipping through the pages.
"When I started my third year of secondary school I met a girl. Only for an instant but I was hooked the moment I saw her. 5 years later, we are married. When you see someone and you like them, it is like your heart is telling you 'hey, this would be a good person for you to get to know better.'"
Aden thought that over, pursing his lips as he did so.
Perhaps that was true, but how did his heart know?
The young man put his hand on the table, his eyes were wide.
"You drew this?" He asked turning the book around so Aden could see a picture he had drawn of the Japanese girl who sat at the window. She was running her hand through her dark hair as the sun bounced off of it and her eyes were fixed lovingly on the person sitting across from her. Come to think of it, this young man was always next to her when they were in here together.
"Yeah, I did. I drew everything in that notebook."
"This is amazing." The young man said turning the notebook back to him and running his finger gently over the picture.
"Do you want it?" Aden asked, he already had it scanned and he wasn't going to use the hard copy anyway. Besides, he enjoyed giving people things they loved, part of the reason he liked antiques so much.
"Yes please!" The young man said.
Aden tore out the page and handed it to the young man who was captivated by the picture.
"You have portrayed her almost perfectly!"
Aden grinned at the compliment.
"Thanks. Do you know her name?"
"Kagami." he said.
"Ah, and what was yours?"
"Yuuto, nice to meet you, I'm Aden."

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