Monday, August 29, 2011

In Which Nora is Flustered (But in a Good Way)

"He likes tea, not coffee," Ranna informed Nora as she handed her a cup and a glass mug for Aden.

"You're a lifesaver," Nora smiled gratefully, then turned back towards Aden. She panicked at the last minute and whirled around to Ranna again. "What do I say to him?"

"Whatever you do, don't mention the ponies," Ranna said, turning Nora back around by her shoulders and giving her a little push towards Aden. "Now go. I gave you the chance. Take it. I may not feel so gracious later."

Nora could hear the laugh in Ranna's voice.

"Alright, but that means tomorrow you're buying the snacks," Nora laughed back. She took a deep breath, remembered her friendly smile (not the scary smile that she had always thought felt friendly on her face, but the one that didn't chase away people) and walked back to Aden.

"You know," she told him as she bent over, handing him his tea. "We should probably get a table. Mine's open."

Oh, no. Was that flirting? Was she flirting? She hadn't meant to be flirtatious, only to offer a table, or suggest a  more comfortable seat. And now he was going to think she was hitting on him, and that wasn't her intention at all, and she prayed to everything above that he knew she wasn't trying to flirt, the words just slipped out.

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