Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not So Bad

"Well, it promotes stuff like honesty and friendship and trust, but it also has this really great animation and character development. I like how it shows that friends can clash, but they can also get along." She had started off talking warily, but by the end of her description her eagerness was back. "It's really great. And funny, too!"

She took a good long look at this guy. He didn't seem too bad. He didn't seem to be playing at anything.

Still, she was gonna ask Ranna to scan his mind."

"Already done," Ranna said, handing Nora her bagel bag. "And you're going to be late to work if you don't run."

"Oh, thanks, Ranna! Bye!" She started to run out the door, then paused and turned back. "Bye, Aden!"

She ran off across the street.

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