Thursday, June 9, 2011

Early Saturday Morning

"I'm telling you, Maura," Zane said, pulling her into the coffee shop. "This is the best place on earth."

"Then why couldn't we have stayed on Olympus?" she grumbled. Lately, Zane had been able to pull more words out of her, and her constant reliance on nonverbal communication was waning.

"Because Olympus isn't earth. Coffee's too perfect up there. I can't take it anymore."

Zane slid into a booth, looking expectedly from Maura to the empty booth seat across from him. Maura sighed and sat down, looking around. There was a guy sipping a cup of coffee from a straw at a table, his fingers running over the keys of his laptop. A girl with long black hair streaked in front with red had her feet up on another chair, cupping the white mug in her hands, blowing on the steam. A book was propped against her knees. Two Japanese students were chatting in their native language in another booth.

"How did you find this place?" Maura asked.

"Um...I don't remember. Hades, I think. Hold on, I'll be right back."

He got up, walking over to the barista to order the coffee and some bagels.

A girl burst in, orange hair flying around her face from the wind outside. She pulled it back, sticking a patch of green hair behind her hair. She looked around, obviously searching for someone in particular.


Apparently she had found that someone. The girl with her feet propped up tensed, caught by surprise, then rolled her eyes. She went back to her book, ignoring the girl that was pulling a chair out at her table, making a terrible screeching noise against the stone floor. Carrot-top started chattering at high speeds to the girl named Ranna.








The chatter stopped. "Yeah?"

"You didn't get decaf this morning, did you?"

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